The launch of Carrot Run sparked controversy: A comparative analysis of the single-vehicle intelligence and “vehicle-road-cloud integration” technology routes

Recently, the innovation boom in the field of autonomous driving has attracted widespread attention, among which the launch of Carrot Run has become the focus. Carrot Run is a travel service platform that integrates autonomous driving technology, but its launch has also sparked a lot of controversy. The core of the controversy lies not only in the product itself, but also in the different development routes of autonomous driving technology - the comparison between single-vehicle intelligence and “vehicle-road-cloud integration”.


1、Overview of single-vehicle intelligence and vehicle-road-cloud integrationtechnology routes

A. Single-vehicle intelligence

Single-vehicle intelligence refers to the ability of the vehicle to autonomously perceive, make decisions and control, similar to the vehicles single-handedability. This technology route relies on on-board sensors, computing platforms and algorithms to achieve autonomous driving functions through its own data collection and processing capabilities. The vehicle is equipped with a variety of sensors, such as lidar, cameras, radars, etc., which can perceive the surrounding environment in real time and perform data processing and decision-making through the on-board computing platform. During driving, the vehicle can independently complete tasks such as path planning and obstacle avoidance without relying on the support of external systems. It mainly relies on the upgrade and maintenance of the vehicle system to improve performance and safety.


B. "Vehicle-Road-Cloud Integration"

"Vehicle-Road-Cloud Integration" is to integrate the physical space and information space of people, vehicles, roads and clouds into one through the new generation of information and communication technology to form an intelligent networked vehicle transportation system. Its core features include:


1)Multi-data fusion: Vehicles can achieve comprehensive information sharing through data exchange with road infrastructure (such as smart light poles, surveillance cameras, etc.)and cloud platforms.

2)Collaborative work: The collaborative work between vehicles, roads and cloud systems enables the transportation system to achieve more efficient and safer operation. For example, the cloud platform can provide real-time traffic information, warning functions and optimized traffic management.

3)Integrated upgrade: The system upgrade and maintenance can be carried out through the cloud platform, which can not only respond to problems quickly, but also optimize system performance in real time.



2. Controversy caused by the launch of Carrot Run


As an emerging autonomous driving service platform, the choice of its technical route has become the focus of industry attention. The controversy caused by its launch is mainly concentrated in the following aspects:


A. Limitations of single-vehicle intelligence

1) Insufficient environmental adaptability: Single-vehicle intelligence relies on the perception ability of on-board sensors, and in complex or harsh environments, the limitations of sensors may affect the safety and reliability of vehicles.

2) Challenges in data processing capabilities: Vehicles need to process a large amount of real-time data, and the performance of the on-board computing platform is crucial to the effect of autonomous driving. However, the current computing platform may still face the problem of insufficient processing power.

3) Update and maintenance: The system upgrade and maintenance of single-vehicle intelligence is usually more complicated, and each vehicle needs to be updated separately, which may lead to slow upgrades and high maintenance costs.



B. Advantages and challenges of "vehicle-road-cloud integration"

1) Advantages: Through the "vehicle-road-cloud integration" technology, more efficient traffic management and safer driving experience can be achieved. Vehicles can obtain real-time traffic information and warnings, and collaborative work can effectively reduce the accident rate.

2) Challenges: This technology route requires the construction and maintenance of complex infrastructure, including sensors and communication networks on the road. Data privacy and security are also issues that need to be focused on. Ensuring the secure transmission and storage of information is the key to the success of the system.



3. Impact on the autonomous driving industry


The controversy caused by the launch of Carrot Run actually reflects the thinking and exploration of the entire autonomous driving industry on the choice of technology route. Both single-vehicle intelligence and "vehicle-road-cloud integration" have their own advantages and disadvantages and applicable scenarios. In the future, the development of autonomous driving technology may find a balance between the two, combining the autonomy of single-vehicle intelligence and the synergy of "vehicle-road-cloud integration" to achieve a safer, smarter and more efficient travel experience.


The controversy caused by the launch of Carrot Run is not only a discussion about an autonomous driving product, but also a discussion about the future development direction of autonomous driving technology. Single-vehicle intelligence and "vehicle-road-cloud integration" technology routes have their own advantages and disadvantages. The autonomous driving industry needs to flexibly adjust technical solutions according to actual application scenarios and technology development trends to achieve a safer and more efficient intelligent transportation system. In the future, with the continuous advancement of technology and the continuous expansion of application scenarios, the realization of autonomous driving will become more mature, bringing people a more convenient and safer travel experience.

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